Fighting MPOX in the DRC: the vast network of “Plantations et Huileries du Congo” hospitals at the bedside of local communities

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As the largest private employer in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Plantations et Huileries du Congo (PHC) is supporting the Congolese government’s efforts to make a significant contribution to the national effort to contain the epidemic.

The Equateur, Mongala and Tshopo provinces, where PHC is a major economic player, are among those hardest hit by the MPOX epidemic.

At the company’s three sites in these provinces – Yalingimba (Mongala), Lokutu (Tshopo) and Boteka (Equateur) – PHC has an extensive network of 4 modern hospitals with a capacity of 460 patients, as well as 3 health centers and 18 dispensaries equipped for first aid. The company’s 10,000 employees and around 150,000 members of the local communities also benefit from appropriate healthcare.

Lokutu hospital, Tshopo province

Deployment of additional equipment

In response to the health crisis in these provinces, PHC has reorganized the management of its hospitals, deploying additional temperature-taking equipment, masks and communication materials to raise awareness in the surrounding villages. This represents a significant contribution to improving public health in rural areas.

PHC’s deployment of additional equipment makes a significant contribution to improving public health in rural areas

Monique Gieskes, Managing Director of PHC, explains: “The health and safety of our employees and the surrounding communities are our top priorities. We are proud to be working closely with our country’s health authorities to implement measures to care for our employees and the populations around our sites. Our participation in this national response is helping to ensure the protection of our 10,000 employees, their families, and the communities around our operating sites”.

PHC General Manager Monique Gieskes in the field with employees

Rigorous coordination with the government

The fight against MPOX in the DRC is a major challenge that requires rigorous coordination between the Ministry of Health, local authorities, and private players like PHC. By working closely with the DRC’s health authorities, PHC is reaffirming its commitment to contributing to the MPOX response and to continuously improving public health in the remote regions where the company operates.

PHC is continuously improving public health in the remote regions where it operates.

Largest private employer in the DRC

Today, PHC is the largest private employer in the DRC, with almost 10,000 directly contracted employees, 3,500 of whom were recruited between 2021 and 2024, reflecting the company’s ongoing commitment to helping reduce unemployment in the country. The company has also increased female representation in its workforce, which has tripled in 3 years, from 5% in 2021 to 15% in 2024.

Female representation on PHC staff has tripled in 3 years

Remarkable growth under new Congolese leadership

Since the introduction of new Congolese leadership by majority shareholder Kuramo Capital Management in 2021, PHC has resolutely embarked on a path of sustainable growth. This new momentum is accompanied by a strong focus on shared prosperity and social responsibility.

With average annual growth of 20% and ambitious projects under development, PHC is well positioned to continue to be a leader in the African palm oil sector. Building on strategic partnerships and a strong commitment to sustainability, PHC is poised to open a new chapter of success and strengthen its long-term positive impact.

PHC recorded remarkable growth under new Congolese leadership embodied by General Manager Monique Gieskes

Improving living conditions for local communities

PHC is also committed to improving the living conditions of local communities by investing in health, education and infrastructure construction. In addition to its extensive network of hospitals and dispensaries, the company has built and equipped 24 elementary school catering for over 7,000 children. In addition, 71 boreholes built by PHC facilitate access to drinking water for surrounding communities.

In an effort to promote the economic development of the communities surrounding its operating sites, PHC has launched the “Partner Plantations” program, which provides technical assistance to members of these communities who so wish, enabling them to develop their plantations without deforestation and to sell their production through PHC channels.

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