Falilou Diop and Rindra Harizo win AHJUCAF’s 2022 prize for the promotion of law


Falilou Diop, 33 years old, from Senegal, is the winner of the 2022 Prize of the Association of Francophone High Courts of Cassation (AHJUCAF), while Rindra Harizo, 32 years old, from Madagascar, received the special mention of this prize.  Their respective prizes were awarded on Friday, October 21 at the French Court of Cassation.

The prize was given by the first president of the French Court of Cassation, Christophe Soulard, and the first president of the Beninese Supreme Court, Victor Dassi Adossou, during the meeting of the board of the Association of French-speaking High Courts of Cassation . . .

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