DRC: Guy-Robert Lukama appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gécamines

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A specialist in the mining sector, Guy-Robert Lukama Nkunzi was appointed Chairman of the Board of Directors of Gécamines by the President of the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Felix Tshisekedi, on February 28. Guy-Robert Lukama has been a non-executive member of the Gécamines Board of Directors, since June 2019.

The Société générale des carrières et des mines (Gécamines), is a commercial company under private law wholly owned by the Congolese state. The state-owned company focuses its activities around prospecting, research and exploitation of mining reserves in the former Katanga province.

Since July 2021, GuyRobert Lukama has been the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Société congolaise pour le traitement du terril de Lubumbashi (STL), one of the flagships of Gécamines’ industrial chain, located in the heart of Lubumbashi, the DRC’s copper capital. The company’s corporate purpose is the processing of slag from the Gécamines concession slag heap and its transformation to extract copper and cobalt in the form of white alloys and zinc oxide as a by-product.

From June 2018 to June 2020, Guy Robert Lukama was also a consultant for Gécamines, in charge of the reforms of this state-owned enterprise, thus assuming the function of “Chief Transformation Officer”.

In addition, since October 2015, Guy Robert Lukama is the Chairman of the Board of Directors of the Congolese subsidiary of Bank of Africa (BOA), a banking group present in 18 African countries.

From the banking world to the mining sector

Guy-Robert Lukama began his career in 1997 with Peter Praet, then Chief Economist of the Générale de Banque in Brussels, Belgium. He was subsequently appointed Corporate Banking Officer in the Corporate Banking Department of the Belgian bank.

In 2004, Guy-Robert Lukama joined the Commercial Bank of Congo (BCDC) to strengthen its commercial development. He was appointed Senior Advisor, Commercial Banking at BCDC. Two years later, in August 2006, he left the banking sector to join the mining sector, being appointed General Manager of the Congolese subsidiary of the South African mining group, Anglo Gold Ashanti. In this position, he is also a member of the group’s management committee. He will hold this position until 2014. In March 2015, Guy-Robert Lukama was appointed managing director of Mongbwalu Gold Mines, a project of Anglo Gold Ashanti that has the ambition to develop and operate a gold project in Mongbwalu, in the Ituri province, in the northeast of the DRC. He is also an executive director of Fimosa Capital, based in Mahé, Seychelles, and the principal shareholder (86.22%) of Mongbwalu Gold Mines. Fimosa Capital is composed of a consortium of Congolese shareholders.

Member of several boards of directors 

Guy-Robert Lukama has also been a member of the Board of Directors of the Franco-Congolese Chamber of Commerce, the Federation of Enterprises of Congo and the Chamber of Mines of Congo.

From May 2007 to May 2015, he was Chairman of the Board of Directors of BCDC, on the recommendation of the Congolese government made at the general meeting of shareholders, in accordance with the agreements concluded with the Congolese state, a 25% shareholder of the bank.

Guy-Robert Lukama holds a Master’s degree in international finance from the Catholic University of Louvain and a Bachelor’s degree in international economics from the same university.

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